INFO: This is a short and difficult parkour map. I built this map for practising and speedrunning. This is meant for singleplayer play but it can be played with friends too. I also want to warn that this isn't meant for beginners and can be very challenging. I have also made the choice to not add checkpoints to the map which may increase the chance of rage quitting easily. You have been warned.
- Play in gamemode adventure.
- Don't try to escape the map or break any redstone.
- No changing gamemode, using commands, abusing glitches or any kind of cheating.
- Play on 1.16+
- Gamerule keepInventory off! (I forgot to turn it off before uploading the map)
- The timer starts when the noteblocks are activated by the tripwire at the start.
- The timer ends when the button at the end is pressed.
- Recommended render distance: 10
- Spawn coordiantes (in case you spawn outside the map): 180 13 -166