Dr. Alphys' Puzzle, from the game Undertale by Toby Fox, is a simple-looking tile puzzle with intentionally complicated rules. In this first-person re-creation, you must make your way from the Start Tile to a Finish Tile in 25 custom-made puzzles. You can even race up to 3 of your friends head-to-head to see who can solve each puzzle the fastest! Fight monsters, avoid piranhas, get electrocuted, and challenge your brain in Dr. Alphys' Puzzle!
This map also includes a level editor, so you can design and share your own puzzles!
First-Person Gameplay
Use the snowball in-game to View Above.
Don't step on the Yellow Tiles!
If you smell like oranges and walk on a Blue Tile, the piranhas will bite you.
If you step on a Green Tile, you have to fight a monster.
The Level Editor
Here are some of the 25 levels:
I've even included Mettaton's Puzzle, the only truly playable one of Dr. Alphys' puzzles in Undertale.