Find The Button - Game Over

Find The Button - Game Over


Hello there and welcome to

Find The Button - Game Over!

This is a find the button map with a good amount of puzzles and a lot of attention to detail. Half of the map are "Traditional" find the button maps. That is, a map where the button is just hidden somewhere; No special levers or contraptions to unlock the button. And the other half are "Puzzle" style. That is, there's a button but you can't access the location, or press it, just by looking around. You must actually solve a puzzle.

Here's some of the highlights of the map!

  • 10 Levels in total. Half puzzle, half traditional.
  • A hidden Easter Egg in each level with a prize for collecting them all!
  • A bunch of PopularMMOs and SuperGirlyGamer references!
  • Fun, detailed, unique levels!
  • A cheat book in case you stink at Find The Button! (And as of v1.3, a TP book to go back and forth between levels!)
  • Multiplayer and Singleplayer compatable! (Recommend 1-4)

We spent around a week making this map and another week after that to tweek, add, and fix stuff.

We hope you enjoy our map thoroughly!

Here's a trailer too!

And a link to my Youtube Channel!

Also, we want to thank you guys for over 2,000 downloads from planetminecraft and!!!! We appreciate it sooo much!

-Gator-Roo, platinumdusk, and ObsidianBowman.