Horrid is a PvP action based minigame where you got a ''Hunter'' and there ''Survivors''. The goal is to defeat and kill each other the ''Hunter'' needs to kill the "Survivors". And the "Survivors" need to break the "Power Core" of the hunter this done by obtaining a pickaxe, finishing some parkour and at the end destroying the "Power Core". But while the "Survivors" are doing this the goal of the "Hunter'' is to stop and kill them.

At the moment the map is still in beta and were searching for people who want to play this map and hopefully find some bugs or malfunctions so we can polish the map even more. The PLAYER LIMIT is 8 where you need a MINIMUM of 2 players. One player will be the "Hunter" the others will be "Survivors" So have fun and report your found bugs and stuff. You might get some credit for it ;).