Lakeview Cabin

Lakeview Cabin


Based on the Flash game of the same name by Hypnohustler.

Though the Flash game is a horror game, the map itself is peaceful, so you can use it as a nice island getaway! The map begins in survival but there's not much to survive with, so just change your game mode if you want. There's a small puzzle but that's it. It's recommended that you play on Peaceful.

If you don't know how to open the locked cabin, look where you find the key in the game. If you haven't played the game, hint: It's in a building. The "key" is just a lever. (And don't just take the light switch lever from the main cabin. Cheater. ._.)

-4 Cabins! (Outhouse, Locked Storage, Main Cabin, and Sauna)
-Working light switches! (I suck at redstone okay, this is an accomplishment for me. ;_;)
-A backdrop that's missing the mountains because ain't nobody got time for dat!
-Fake berry bushes that are actually just hedges with roses behind them!
-Super sexy villagers!
-Random thingies in chests!
-A horse that's supposed to be a deer!
-A crappy excuse for a lawnmower!
-A severed head!

If you want to use this map on a server, add to it, or replace its blocks to fit a texture pack, you may reupload it as long as you credit me and contact me on the Minecraft Forums.