Mania Parkour

Mania Parkour


Welcome to "Mania", a Minecraft custom map that will drive you to madness with its manageable but aggravating parkour. With over five hours of gameplay and over 27 hidden collectibles that unlock special stages, Mania contains three diverse environments and riveting exploration.
This map can be played both SOLO and MULTIPLAYER; however, the multiplayer feature of this difficult map makes the challenge of completing it even harder! You'll soon see when delving into this world.
Be sure to play on PEACEFUL; set command blocks to be true if you are on a server; the experience bar notifies players of how many diamonds they have retrieved!
Lots of 3D platforming games like Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, etc. have inspired many of the levels as well as some other custom minecraft maps as you'll soon see.