Nightmare Moon: Introducing PTK

Nightmare Moon: Introducing PTK


Introducing the Place The Key genre!
Pull the lever to begin the game, and the game machine begins a night that will last forever… until you slay the Ender Dragon, get its egg, and place the egg atop the machine's blinking light!
Sound easy? There's a catch. The player placing the egg (the 'Fluttershy') must never have killed anything, even food animals. All players who have killed will be flung away from the machine!
This game involves playing survival Minecraft with a twist. There are unusual spawners you can exploit, and heavier diamond ore near spawn. It's for speed-run cooperative play, with grindy aspects cut back for the benefit of YouTube LPers. You'll love the cow popper!
The current record is twelve half-hour episodes to beat the map. Can you beat it faster?