Welcome To Jurassic Park World! In this map you can watch a Mososaurus eat a shark, Glide around from the safety of a Gyrosphere as you watch dinosaurs roam, And ride on a motorcycle as your raptors follow you. There are a lot of things here to see in this map even some secrets hidden about if you can find them. Below is a list of things you can do in this map
Some Of Things You Can Do In This Map
- Watch dinosaurs roam from the safety of your Gyrosphere
- Take a boat ride through the jungle
- Ride on the back of a baby triceratops
- Watch a T-rex feeding
- Watch a Mososaurus eat a Shark
- Ride on the monorail (Which is a little too fast) around the park
- Take a ride on a motorcycle as your raptors follow you
- And More!
Here is a quick look at the map in trailer format (Warning: Odd editing)