Puzzle Trio

Puzzle Trio



You are free play this Puzzle/Adventure Map and record everything you do on there, as long as you credit https://www.youtube.com/therealplagiatus for making the map and this page for the worlddownload.

Minecraft Version:

This Map was created back in 1.4 and therefore basically only relied on redstone. In the meantime it has been updatet to fit 1.7+.

It is highly recommended to play in v1.8 since nbtdata was changed in 1.8 and therefore signs may be unreadable if opened in 1.7 and below.


  1. Don't break any blocks
  2. Follow the instructions on the signs (it helps, believe me)
  3. Play in adventure mode
  4. Have Fun

WARNING: This map is only playable if you are 3 Players (or more)!

If you find any bugs, have any feedback or questions, feel free to leave me a comment. I'll try to fix everything as fast as possible.