Super Craft Brothers originally made "by SethBling"
Updated a year ago
Created 9 years ago
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The end
this time you are stuck in the end and the ender dragon is already dead. the towers are now ruins and only a few endermans apear what place would be bether to battle your best friends on?
pirate cove
alot of legends exists about this one once a happy village that got invaded by pirates after the pirates toke over this map and toke the heads of their victims some eerie darkness apeared and all signs of life where gone since that day
the place before the end a portal you can go trough but wait you don't teleport to the end with this portal instead you will be teleported to one of the 15 random points. the home of the silverfish
Forrest mountain
who said the wither was destructive? who said he was evil? this landscape was created by a wither and a little bit of mc edit tree's begang to grow bone meal was spammed and bee's fly around best place to fight
Mooshroom island
Moo: Google transelating to english : a peacefull enviroment wit just a few cows and alot of purple glass to light the place up let's hope this will remain peacefull and that no players come here to battle
tower controll
once a place from hell nether bricks and lava making this place feel warm than a planet from minecraft came by and made this place feel cooler now battle your way in this cold enviroment claim the towers and don't forget to heal up
Nether fortres
after entering the realms of the nether you came acros this and thought hey lets battle here wait. what is that little 1x1 lava pool let's jump in what could go wrong?
water monument
the home of the water guardians and a mythical creature the ender guardian this map can be found in the minecraft oceans oh and be shure to not call it a temple
SethBling alowing
Here you can see that sethbling alowed me to work on super craft brothers and to upload it
Warriors temple
once a training ground for the greatests and most powerfull players now a ruin that has been found again and what bether purpose could it server than being used as a player vs player enviroment? none that is the answer no more training here
Villegr #9 is not happy with the zombie he is searching for his shove for years now and still he has not found it maybe you can help the poor guy by killing the other players?