Technical Details Puzzle Map

Technical Details Puzzle Map

Room 2 showcasing the ability to work out answers to help players out besides the volume of answers in the room.

Room 2 showcasing the ability to work out answers to help players out besides the volume of answers in the room.

Room 5 showcasing the variety of question elements being asked. This one is about Sharpness V increasing the Diamond Sword dmg.

Room 5 showcasing the variety of question elements being asked. This one is about Sharpness V increasing the Diamond Sword dmg.

Room 1 and aim of map stated on signs at Starting Area

Room 1 and aim of map stated on signs at Starting Area

Bonus Room 4 - Answer Requiring Crafting Components To Open Obstacles

Bonus Room 4 - Answer Requiring Crafting Components To Open Obstacles

Bonus Room - Requiring interactions besides crafting components to process

Bonus Room - Requiring interactions besides crafting components to process

Bonus Room 3 - Answers On The Ceiling

Bonus Room 3 - Answers On The Ceiling

Observational Room 1 to give an idea of what expectations of 'observational' things are tested in these types of questions.

Observational Room 1 to give an idea of what expectations of 'observational' things are tested in these types of questions.