The Hunger Games: The Capitol

The Hunger Games: The Capitol


Hey there! So I've recently returned from a Minecraft hiatus to share a map I finished a couple of months ago, in the hope that I can somewhat start to develop it with other people's opinions in mind.

The map is a semi-replica of the Capitol from the Hunger Games series, a futuristic utopian city in the center of an oppressed and ravaged country. If you look at images from the film, you'll see that my map is a little smaller in scale (bar maybe the 'Sea of Oil' housing area) to the original Capitol. However, with the things I'm planning on creating this scale seemed appropriate.

Current Features:

- Chariot road and spectator seats

- Main Capitol building

- Capitol park

- Side housing area shown in the 'Sea of Oil' scene from Mockingjay Pt.2

- Various styles of buildings, particularly geared towards government and business types

- Replica of the training center for tributes in the first Hunger Games book/film

Planned Features:

- Training center from Catching Fire

- The river that flows through the Capitol

- More general space-filling buildings

- Housing area (most likely a replica from Mockinkgjay Pt.2)


Thank you all, and may the odds be ever in your favour!