Developed over 7 months, the goal of this map is to create a mash-up pack like experience revolving around the world of Undertale integrated within the caves of Minecraft. Areas from the game have been upgraded to fit the sprawling variety of caves and structures you can find in Minecraft. Progression isn't locked to a specific format, so you can explore the upgraded areas to your heart's content, from the ruins built of a lush, overgrown ancient ruins, to the capital near the surface of Mount Ebott. You can explore the areas as you wish and do whatever you want in them. Have the illusion of the game! Play out your wildest fantasies! No really, I have no power to stop you from doing that, just like I have no power over you blowing the whole thing up. Unless it’s my version of the map, you can do that.
- An improved upscale of Undertale’s locations based around Minecraft’s caves.
- A homage to the world of Undertale.
- A precise and faithful remake of Undertale.
- An adventure map.
- A way to profit off of Undertale’s fandom (if you paid for this then you have been scammed by… someone)
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YOUTUBE: @haroldthefool
TIKTOK: @haroldthefool
INSTAGRAM: @harold_the_fool
Undertale created by Toby Fox
Shaders used in screenshots and the trailer is Complementary Reimagined