Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt


"Febuary 4'th 1789

The expedition has just today departed from London. We are expecting to arrive at our first stop, Bermuda, in a few weeks. Hopefully, I'll be able to find some shiny things for my collection that will impress the lads in the science club."

Somewhere amongst these waters, an infamous group of pirates had been hiding the loot from their countless raids in a single underground chamber. But their insatiable greed lead to their own inescapable demise. They were hit by a terrible curse and their treasures were left unprotected in the bottommost parts of their once mighty fortress. According to the rumors, this is also the last known residense of the legendary Atlantis Crystal, which is estimated to be worth several thousand pounds, and most importantly - it is said to be the shiniest gem on the seven seas!

The map can be played by any number of players, though Bukkit servers won't work due to the use of command blocks. Estimated playtime: 45-60 minutes.