Wakko's Wish Animaniacs Map V8

Wakko's Wish Animaniacs Map V8


This map uses quite a few mods, and it includes OC and AU stuff too, so if you don't like OCs, you have been Warnered.

There is a full (Although WIP) galaxy added to the map with Advanced Rocketry, including some AU solar systems.

The AU solar systems are as follows:

Prime Positive B: Nearly identical to Prime Positive A, which is my version of the canon universe, except everyone who is straight is gay and everyone who is gay is straight.

Anti Positive A: Basically a darker, morally reversed version of the show's world, where everyone who is good in the show is evil, and vice versa. This system has a dying sun and multiple habitable worlds.

The Warners' counterparts from this universe are my flagship OCs and Winston, Wakko's counterpart, is who I play as in Minecraft, hence why he doesn't appear as an NPC.

Anti Positive B: Basically a combination of Prime Positive B and Anti Positive A. Everyone who's straight in the show is gay here and vice versa, and anyone who's good in the show is evil here and vice versa. This system's sun is also dying, however in this AU, stars don't explode when they die, but instead they shrink and cool down.

Anti Positive C: Similar to Anti Positive A, except anyone who is gender-conformal in the show is trans here, and anyone who's good in the show is evil here. This system's sun is supposed to be a planetary nebula, but since Advanced Rocketry doesn't support them, I had to substitute it for a black hole.

The map has no actual storyline yet, it's meant to be more of a sandbox world.

The planets I've put the most work into all have mercenaries you can hire who will protect you.

On Prime Positive A's Earth, the mercenary is Karl XII, also known as Carolus Rex, a king of Sweden who ruled from  1697 to 1718. His soldiers have camps all over Earth, and they will patrol across the map, attacking the Danish soldiers who are also camping all over the map.

King William of Warnerstock, the father of the Warners from the movie, has hired Karl XII and his men to defend his town, Acme Falls. King Salazar, the movie's villain, has hired Frederik IV, the king of Denmark from the same time period, and his men to defend his castle, and they also camp all over the map.

On  Anti Positive A, the mercenary is Paroy, a strong academic girl who is one of Winston's friends, and the anti counterpart to one of my real-life friends, is also a mercenary here too.

Anti Positive B and C don't have mercenaries yet.

Readme: Install forge and the mods that you need to run the map, along with the Flans Mod and the addons for it.

Extract the ZIP file in the root of .minecraft and when it asks you to merge the folders, say yes to all.

The Flans Mod addons go in the Flan folder in the root of .minecraft.

The map is still highly WIP though, so be careful!

(Note: Author has nothing against trans people, because there IS a Prime Positive C, it's just not in this map because I feel it would be too similar to Earth to have a reason to include it if I included another Prime universe,  There are also Negative universes, which are genderbent versions of the Positive universes, but I didn't include them for the same reasons I didn't include Prime Positive C, since I'd feel they'd be pointless since there's little difference between them and the Positive universes besides the NPCs, and the same is true for ALL of the Prime universes, the NPCs are the only differences they have from one another.


Flan's Mod

Flans Mod Simple Parts Pack

Nashorn scripting engine

MicDoodleCore or newer

Galacticraft Planets or newer

Flans Mod and its content packs can be found on the mod's official site.

Galacticraft and MicDoodleCore can be found on Galacticraft's official site.

Nashorn can be found on Custom NPCs' official site, I think.