We are One - A Custom Minecraft Adventure Map

We are One - A Custom Minecraft Adventure Map


There may be a resource pack needed for the map to appear correctly. While probably not necessary a resource pack would add greatly to the aesthetic details and possibly even whole features of the map! i.e. Jukeboxes and monsters.  If there is a texture pack then please download it and install it. Thanks for checking out the map just a little bit. EVERYTHING IS A PLACEHOLDER! EXCEPT DESCRIPTION!

This is a custom map that I decided to make after talking to my friends. There is a class based off of each of them and the 4 available classes are all unique. The story will change depending on what classes are chosen. The map is designed for 1-4 players. We are currently in the development stage and have not started building yet. I have started on some of the mechanics however. Each class have two different main tools. All classes have a Rift Razor which can open "Rifts" that are class specific and some take 2 players to open. Most classes have passives or abilities that boost stats as well. Here are the classes:

The Prince- A fairly balanced warrior who has enhance agility along with a Balance Bow and Balance Bo Staff. He can heal allies and "mark" targets for death with certain arrows. The target, if hit, becomes illuminated and after 10 seconds will die. The Death Mark Arrow doesn't work in boss fights unfortunately. Sorry :P

The Golem- A heavy class with the ability to shatter his surroundings and protect allies. Snowgolems are his friends and The Golem's Ultimate Ability summons a shield that lasts for 10 seconds and can block any attack. Pretty OP if you use it at the right time. Weapon - A dagger that makes you faster (Everyone knows you run faster with a knife.) and has less draw but deals less damage. Lower DPS for quicker move speed. And that dagger can grow into a massive cleaver that makes you slow but hits really hard. Excellent for slower bosses.

The Monster- A quick class that can tank some hits. The monster's abilities focus primarily on crowd control. With a brute to back him up in times of need and the ability to go below  the monsters' radar. (Because he is a monster.) The Monster can also slow enemies with his Bile ability.

The Spark- A class that is mainly focused on attacks. This class is mostly destructive. He can summon TnT and channel monsters to a point then drop a bomb on them. He can also summon a tree. The Spark's passive makes his abilities stronger yet they cost Life Essence or souls in one case to use. Each mob gives 1 Life Essence and in certain spots the mobs can drop souls which one ability costs to use because of how map breaking it could be. I locked that ability to certain points of the map or if the adventure is done you can use it.

Like I said; this map isn't even started to be built yet. It is only in the planning phase. If you have suggestions and I like them then I will use the Idea and give you a shoutout in the finished product. (Shoutout may be in a room in the spawn, the credits room or a reference to your username somewhere in the map. My friends and I love references that hardly anybody would understand.)

Note: The image for the project is just a placeholder so that I could save my progress and view comments. It in no way represents this map. Thanks again for the interest in my project! Congrats on making it this far!  Tags with explanations: Adventure because adventure map. Survival because the world mainly become free roam after a while. Mainly just avoiding monsters for survival. Creation because all maps that someone put effort into are creations of their own. Yep... reasons.