This is the world download for Zminer99 and Wildfirev's server for their ZooKeepR-Dinos play through. All of the information you need to get on the world is below. We have worked with the pack creator, Gentleman Gnu, as alpha testers and are happy to be able to share some of our work with all of you.
This world was saved and intended for use in Gnu's ZooKeepR-Dinos mod pack.
The version of the pack of the world is: "ZooKeepRDinos Release-1.1"
To use the world download move the folder titled "ZooKeepR Dino Edition WildMiner World Download" to your "saves" folder in the modpack instance. Restart the instance and you should be able to play on the world.
Our base is located at x=-100 and z=550 at the surface. You may want to take note that there are a lot of carnivores we spawned in about 500 blocks East of our base.
Wild has made a tutorial on some of the aspects of the pack and Miner has made a YouTube series of the playthrough.
Thank you,
Wild and Miner
You have permission to use this world for your own use or on a server. You are not permitted to claim any of the player created content not created by you as your own. You can not create content, such as videos or streams, of or distribute this world without direct permission from at least one of the owner(s) or member(s) of this project.