Custom Breed Farm

Custom Breed Farm


"Run the game and modify the generated JSON file."

Change the egg production speed of the breeding farm to be faster.
Breed using cake or breed without items.
This is a mod created because a user needed it.

Single and local multi = Client Folder
Server = Server Folder.
For servers, you only need to install it in the server folder.

Chat Commands
+Breed On/Off

(Commands cannot be used on servers.)

Default = On

ModApply = true/false (Default = On)
(When starting the game, decide whether to turn the mod On or Off.)

NoItemRequire = true/false (Default = On)
(It decides whether a item is needed for breeding. True means no item is required.
It changes the 5th slot of the breed farm. Do not put any other items in the 5th slot.)

NeedItem = ["Cake","Berries","Baked_Berries"]
When "NoItemRequire" is set to "false", you can specify the item that will be consumed during breeding.
If you want to breed using items, set "NoItemRequire" to "false".
Item Table

BreedTime = 300

You need to change instant breeding to 1.


Blueprint logic mods install (Pak file)
1. Download.
2. "xinput1_3.dll" file delete. (2.5.2 user)
3. UE4SS File Extract (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64)
4. Blueprint LogicMods Download.
5. Mod zip File Extract (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods)
6. Mods.txt File Open (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods)
7. BPModLoaderMod : 1   Modify and Save. (Mods.txt)

Chunk : 257

If you're having trouble installing mods or want to chat about various games, everyone is welcome!