Player Scale Changer

Player Scale Changer


This is a player scale changer made just for fun.
Use it when taking screenshots or during role-playing.
The JSON file is automatically created when the game is launched.

Default Key : Alt + 7 

JSON File Key Setting


Key : "Seven" 
Please enter a keyboard key other than Alt, Ctrl, or Shift.

LeftAlt_LeftCtrl_LeftShift : "LeftAlt" 
Please enter only "LeftAlt, LeftCtrl, LeftShift". If you do not wish to use any of these, enter "" instead.

IsModApply : true
This pertains to whether or not to apply the Scale value when launching the game.

IsOffsetApply : true
This pertains to whether or not to allow the screen position to be automatically adjusted when applying the Scale value.

ScaleValue : 1
It's the Player Scale value.


Chunk : 160

Blueprint logic mods install (Pak file)
1. Download.
2. "xinput1_3.dll" file delete. (2.5.2 user)
3. UE4SS File Extract (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64)
4. Player Scale Changer Mods downolad.
5. Mod zip File Extract (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods)
6. Mods.txt File Open (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods)
7. BPModLoaderMod : 1   Modify and Save. (Mods.txt)

If you're having trouble installing mods or want to chat about various games, everyone is welcome!