Reset Stats

Reset Stats

  • Reset your players stats!!
  • Thats All.. Only stat ting.

Installation / How To Setup:

  • Download THIS MODS FILES 
  • Download RE-UE4SS (
  • Copy Contents of UE4SS into your game folder ("\Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64")
  • Set UE4SS /Mods/mods.txt variable "BPModLoaderMod" to 1 ("\Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\mods.txt")
  • Create a "LogicMods" folder in your games content/pak folder  ("\Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods")
  • Install THIS MODS Files into the LogicMods Folder

For Co-Op / Online Play:
working on fixes <3

Known Issues:
The pak file for this mod MUST be named `DekResetStats_P.pak` - regardless of version used.
This mod uses pak chunk 70 and may be incompatible with other mods that do so.

My Other Mods
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