Fast travel from anywhere

Fast travel from anywhere


Fast travel from anywhere. Can fast travel to fast travel points, towers and base camps from anywhere. Removes the fog of war from the map (customizable) which in turns makes fast travel points/towers and boss icons visible.

The fast travel point icons will remain gray until you unlock them, just like in the vanilla game, but you can teleport to them even before unlocking them.


The mod will remove all the fog of war from the map, which can't be reversed. To customize this you can open main.lua with Notepad to find:

This parameter affects the amount of fog of war that is cleared up when exploring. Using a high value like 999999.0 will instantly clear the map. You can use a smaller value closer to the default if you still want to have fog of war. If you don't care about this feature, then you can set it to its default value 36.0. 


  1. Read "Correct folder and file structure".
  2. Delete xinput1_3.dll in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64 if you installed the xinput version of REUE4SS.
  3. Download REUE4SS: Releases · UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS ( Latest version is 3, direct link to 3: Release v3.0.0 · UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS ( File name: "".
  4. Drop its files to \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64.
  5. Download the mod.
  6. Drop its folder in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods.
  7. Read "Notes".

Correct folder and file structure

  1. \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS.dll
  2. \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini
  3. \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\dwmapi.dll
  4. \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\FastTravelFromAnywhere\Scripts\main.lua


Tested on singleplayer and dedicated server. Works fine on both so I would assume it works fine on co op as well. No need to be installed on the server.

If you are using Gameplay tweaks make sure to change its "config.worldmapUIMaskClearSize" to something like 9999999.0 (if you want to instantly clear the map from fog of war).

If you are using "More Markers and Less Map Shroud" make sure to change its "worldmapUIMaskClearSize" to something like 9999999.0 (if you want to instantly clear the map from fog of war). (Credits to Eld3rBrain for the info).

If you want help, info on modding the game and your server you can join the Palworld modding discord server: Invite for Palworld modding discord  

REUE4SS generates a log file named UE4SS.log in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\. You can open it with Notepad to see for errors.

If you installed everything correctly you should something like "Mod 'Pause' has enabled.txt, starting mod." in your log file.

If the mod isn't working for you or if you have any errors you can share the contents of your log file on and share the link in the bugs section of the mod.

To help with crashes open UE4SS-settings.ini in \Pal\Binaries\Win64 and set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.


Credits to Yangff and their mod AlwaysFastTravel since they did it first. So before I started working on this I made sure to check if there was a fast travel mod already made but it didn't come up when searching for it. Our mods do a couple of things differently but I suggest you check their mod out as well.