No Damaged Equipment Penalties

No Damaged Equipment Penalties


No Damaged Equipment Penalties

Palworld v0.1.5.0 ready

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Game crashes, halp!
A: Game can crash with or without mod, its in EA. But if you have have consistent crashes with specific mod installed do next:
1) set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false in the UE4SS-settings.ini file. 
2) install UE4SS signatures (see requirements while downloading mod)

Q: Game/save loads fine, but mod doesn't work as intended, halp!
A: Double check if you followed Installation instructions. If you sure you did:
1) organize my mods in the next order:
PalBoxReorganizedX : 1
DeadBodiesDespawnInstantlyX : 1
MoreStatPointsX : 1
MoreTechnologyPointsX : 1
MaxLevelIncreasedX : 1
BetterShieldUltimateX : 1
BetterRidingGroundMountsX : 1
BetterSellRatesX : 1
NoMoreBurningBasesX : 1
NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX : 1
AutoSaveTimeX : 1
LessRestrictiveBuilding : 1
LessMapShroudX : 1
MoreMarkersX : 1
HUDFadeOutNever : 1
NoMoreWildPalsOnYourBase : 1
ConfigurableExpGainX : 1

Q: UE4SS 2.5.2 or 3.0.0?
A: Both work fine with my mods. I haven't seen the differences stability wise.

Q: Do I really need signatures for Palworld 0.1.5? People says they are not needed anymore.
A: Some mods will work without signatures, but some absolutely wont.

Mod Description
Mod allows damaged weapon and tools to keep their damage rate and damaged armor - its defense. Available versions:
  • Full (damaged equipment won't lose its damage/defense rates).
  • 50% (half damage/defense rates - vanilla for comparison is ~20%)
  • 1 damage/1 defense left (minimum stats for damaged equipment).
Works for both existing and new characters.


Extract (2.5.2 or 3.0.0) to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\ (Mods folder will appear inside Win64 folder)
Extract this mod to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods (NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX folder should be inside Mods folder)

You may also need to install UE4SS signatures.

In mods.txt add NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX: 1 line. Check suggested load order in FAQ (for Main Files versions).

Extract (2.5.2 or 3.0.0) to ..\Users\...Appdata\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\ (Mods folder will appear inside WinGDK folder)
(As alternative, extracting to \XboxGames\Palworld\Content\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK\ may help).
Rename xinput1_3 to xinput1_4.
In the UE4SS-settings.ini file, set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.
Extract this mod to ...\Users\...Appdata\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\Mods (NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX folder should be inside Mods folder)

You may also need to install UE4SS signatures.

In mods.txt add NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX: 1 line. Check suggested load order in FAQ (for Main Files versions).

Just remove NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX folder in Mods.

Works on Steam. May not work on Gamepass.
May not work on Linux and Steam Deck.

If game crashed on the start/load, try to set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false in the UE4SS-settings.ini file.