No More Empty World

No More Empty World


No More Empty World

Palworld v0.3.1 ready

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Game crashes, halp!
A: Game can crash with or without mod, its in EA. But if you have have consistent crashes with specific mod installed do next:
1) set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false in the UE4SS-settings.ini file, 
2) install UE4SS signatures.

Q: Game/save loads fine, but mod doesn't work as intended, halp!
A: Double check if you followed Installation instructions. If you sure you did:
1) organize my mods in the next order:
PalBoxReorganizedX : 1
DeadBodiesDespawnInstantlyX : 1
MoreStatPointsX : 1
MoreTechnologyPointsX : 1
MaxLevelIncreasedX : 1
BetterShieldUltimateX : 1
BetterRidingGroundMountsX : 1
BetterSellRatesX : 1
NoMoreBurningBasesX : 1
NoDamagedEquipmentPenaltiesX : 1
AutoSaveTimeX : 1
LessRestrictiveBuilding : 1
LessMapShroudX : 1
MoreMarkersX : 1
HUDFadeOutNever : 1
NoMoreWildPalsOnYourBase : 1
ConfigurableExpGainX : 1
NoMoreHoldButtonX : 1
TunedRaids : 1
NoMoreEmptyWorldX : 1

Q: UE4SS 2.5.2 or 3.0.0?
A: Both work fine with my mods. I haven't seen the differences stability wise.

Q: Do I really need signatures for Palworld 0.1.5? People says they are not needed anymore.
A: Some mods will work without signatures, but some absolutely wont.

Mod Description
Vanilla spawns pals in a very limited area around the player, ~75m, no matter what view distance set in Options. Because of that open spaces or views from the height feel desolated.

This mod increases spawn distances for all wild pals as well as (optionally) maximum distance at what widget still shows information about highlighted pal.

Available versions:
1) 10k (100m) - slightly bigger spawn area than vanilla, performance friendly.
2) 20k (200m) - good compromise between immersion and performance.
3) 30k (300m) - very long range, for most places will show up pals till the horizon. Not performance friendly (for some rigs at least).

There are default versions and those with the same distance UI hints for pals available (vanilla is ~120m).

Mind, please, this tested in SP only. I can't guarantee it will work the same way onservers (tho I added hook for servers).

Also there are side effects, some good, some bad: animations for distant pals will be simplified; you will encounter more lucky pals; you may not see some encounters which will be finished before you reach the spot; it will take longer for the game to spawn some pals, so you may miss some spawns if moving too fast.


Extract (2.5.2 or 3.0.0) to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\ (Mods folder will appear inside Win64 folder)
Extract this mod to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods (NoMoreEmptyWorldX folder should be inside Mods folder)

You may also need to install UE4SS signatures.

In mods.txt add 
: 1 line. Check suggested load order in FAQ.

*X means folder suffix up to the version.

Extract (2.5.2 or 3.0.0) to ..\Users\...Appdata\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\ (Mods folder will appear inside WinGDK folder)
(As alternative, extracting to \XboxGames\Palworld\Content\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK\ may help).
Rename xinput1_3 to xinput1_4.
In the UE4SS-settings.ini file, set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.
Extract this mod to ...\Users\...Appdata\Local\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\Mods (NoMoreEmptyWorldX folder should be inside Mods folder)

You may also need to install UE4SS signatures.

In mods.txt add NoMoreEmptyWorldX: 1 line. Check suggested load order in FAQ.

*X means folder suffix up to the version.

Just remove NoMoreEmptyWorldXfolder in Mods.

Works on Steam and Gamepass.
May not work on Linux and Steam Deck.
Probably doesn't work as intended on dedicated servers.

If game crashes on the start/load, try to set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false in the UE4SS-settings.ini file.