Replaces Jormuntide Fire (Internally named "Umihebi") with Giga Seadramon from Digimon
Remember the Seadramon description? Hah.
Im surprised it works well considering both have different physics files but it works so!
The model is from New Century instead of Cyber sleuth because there is no GigaSeadramon there (cringe)
Open to rigging commisions so feel free to reach out for more digimon:
@svboy on discord, @sv_b0y on twitter, or my server.
Commisioned by ving
Digimon is owned by Bandai Namco
Rigged & Ported by SV BOY
How to Install:
Open "" file and drop the "GigaSeadramon_P.pak" to
Xbox (Gamepass):
Launch the game and it should be good to go.