More Eyes for Character Creator

More Eyes for Character Creator

This mod adds in additional eyes and more textures used by the additional eyes. Currently 51 additional variations of eyes added to the game with full Hue support using the in-game Character Creator.

If you like this mod, also check out:
More Hairs For Character Creator

Please post requests in comment section and I will add as soon as I can.


Simply copy the mod files into your LogicMods folder for details in Mod Config Menu.
Or if only wanting the functionality of this mod, copy the pak file to your Mods folder.

To Do:
Create individual icons for each eye variation
Update DataTable to use eye icons instead of WIP icon for new eyes
Add more textures and materials for more eye variations
Create smaller variations of current eye variations

Additional Info:

Eye is made of 5 textures to create its structure. Structure also has 16 scalar parameters that can be adjusted but are typically left to game default.

1- EyeWhite is the static color/background of the eye based on a texture
2- EyeMask is used with the Cornea to only display the Cornea above the EyeWhite
3- Cornea is the main portion of the Eye and is adjustable using a Hue slider
4- Pupil is a detailed texture above the Cornea that is typically black or dark in color
5- Highlight is an effect on the very outside of the eye above all other textures to show a Hear or other symbol

EyeWhite is set via Parameter: BaseColor Mask
EyeMask is set via Parameter: Eye Cornea Texture
Cornea is set via Parameter: Eye Highlight Texture
Pupil is set via Parameter: Eye Pupil Texture
Highlight  is set via Parameter: Eye White Texture

Each variation is added to the DataTable named "DT_CharacterCreationEyeMaterialPresetTable" as a new row beginning with ccType to prevent conflicts with new eyes added into the game later.