I love medieval plaster wall! If you agree this mod might be for you.
Hey everyone thank you so much for the support!
I have made a second alternative version that has a smoother texture.
Have fun ya'll!
Download the mod and extract the content of the file in "Your_Palworld_Install_Path"\Pal\Content\Paks.
If you see the Pal-Windows.pak file you are in the correct folder.
You just need to delete the PlasterWallReplacement_P.pak file from "Your_Palworld_Install_Path"\Pal\Content\Paks.
This mod shoud not conflict with any other mod.
EXEPT: Any mod that also replaces the texture files of the Wooden_Architecture/Material folder
Thank you so much @NorskPL for your help!
Textures I used:
Also HUGE shutout to Rotate it Mod!
Their mod was essential in creating my bases that I used for the screenshots.
AT - Österreichisch
I find mittelalterliche Pflasterwänd afoch supa! Wanst da jetz denkst "Heast der hawara hat recht", dann kennt die Mod fia di passn.
Hob jetz no a zweite optionale Version g'mocht mit ana weniger o'granztn Textur.
Habts an Spaß olle midanannd!