346 Mods
Max IV Is Shiny
1.7k DownloadsOnly Max IV Pals will have the Shiny Icon
First Person View
1.7k DownloadsEnable to switch between first/third person view.
Less Temp FX
1.7k DownloadsReduces temperature HUD effects
Uma Musume Matikanetannhauser (Facial and Mouth Expression Support)
1.7k DownloadsReplace PinkCat
Improved Graphics
1.1k DownloadsThis mod improves the vanilla graphics in many ways for high-end & even low-end systems
Gameplay extended to level 99
648 DownloadsUnleash new challenges and gear up for battle as this mod extends gameplay to level 99, introducing tougher spawns and a plethora of new equipment including armor, shields, a Glider, and a Palshpere, alongside deadly weapons
Custom Crosshairs
506 DownloadsA Selectionof crosshair texture replacements <3