

[This addon was written in response to a request on [url=http://www.riftui.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1559#post1559

AHShortcut saves any AH searches you have made.

It creates a window to the side of the AH window, which gets populated by making searches.

It creates a new entry for combinations of Name + Rarity + Category

In the list there may be some coloured bars under the item name.

A yellow bar indicates that the entry was saved with a category, else a coloured bar indicates the item was saved with a rarity limit, and the bar color reflects this rarity level.

Left-clicking an entry in the searches window will perform a search.

Right-clicking an entry will delete it.

In the event that you have more searches than will fit in the window, then you can scroll through the list using the mouse wheel

At the bottom of the search window is a purple box, this gets populated with the text you are searaching for - so you can if needed, select it (ctrl+a), copy it (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) into the AH window proper.