Currently this addon is a major work in progress, but currently it can completely and safely track all your squads DKP points.

Once Installed bringing up the Guild Tab you will see A new tab called DKP, its similar looking to the squad panel as DKP is based off squads (if your're not on a squad u cant get DKP, there are reason for this which future builds will explain). Once in the DKP tab just left click the dkp number and a textbox cursor appears and you can change that persons DKP amount.


- add mass add/minus dkp - multi select to add dkp to certain people - more options (type of loot dkp was spent on) - bidding manage (maybe) - loot tracking (self building DB that records what loot drops from what boss) - add total dkp earned, accrued, and spent - add epgp support (way down the road) - attendance tracking by people who are signed up and attending the raid event!