Herald's Buff Warden

Herald's Buff Warden



** Fixed in **

The Group Buffs tracker (just introduced in 2.2.6) doesn't register bard's Fanfares. Update to to fix, or avoid by clicking on the tracker and click "Fanfares Off" to stop tracking active stat buffs.

-- Herald

Herald's Buff Warden (version 2.2.6)
Use '/hbw' to view available commands.

Buff Warden is a secialized buff monitor designed to make sure you have buffed yourself fully between battles. The interface is made of a small header bar and a list of buff trackers. The header bar contains the current role, a lock/unlock button, a reload trackers button, and a help button. If the header is unlocked, it may be dragged freely.

Use the mouse wheel to cycle between different buffs in trackers that contain more than one buff (such as Shaman Heart spells or Beastmaster Companion States). Click the mouse wheel on a buff tracker to ignore that buff. Left click on any tracked buff to cast it. Limitations in Rift's Addon API prevent the tracker list from updating in combat.

A tracker will (by default) be green if the buff is currently active, yellow if the buff has less than 10 minutes remaining, and red if the character is unbuffed. A tracker will turn grey if it detects a buff that is otherwise equivalent, such as Heroic Blessing and Fanfare of Vigor. Certain buffs (Surging Flames, Righteous Mandate, and Synthesis) are maintained on another target. At the moment the only way to cast these abilities is to target the individual and then click the tracker to cast. This will signal the addon to monitor that individual for the buff. Keep in mind that Righteous Mandate will turn grey if another player's R.M. is on your character, and Synthesis will turn grey if Lifegiving Veil is active.

Trackers can be sorted by visiting the Sorting tab in the options window. Manually sorting trackers is optional; any unsorted trackers will be listed in a random fashion. Tracker sorting is unique to each character, but is identical between different roles on the same character.


Buff Warden uses account-wide profiles to control the layout of the addon. To switch, delete, duplicate, or create profiles, visit the Profile tab in the options window. By default all characters will use the "General" profile, and this profile cannot be deleted. Profiles control the position, lock status, and colors of the trackers. In the future, more options to control the appearance of the addon will be added.


Each character can maintain a list of character-specific roles, which control whether each ability is tracked or ignored. By default each role will track all buffs the player can currently cast, but ignore "Omen Sight", "Planar Protection", all creature tracking abilities, and all item buffs. To change what buffs are tracked, visit the Abilities tab in the options window.

In addition to tracking your characters personal buffs, you can also track Group Buffs. If tracked, the Group Buffs tracker will only turn green if you have all the relevant buffs on you. To set which buffs are tracked visit the Group Buffs tab in the options window. Unlike other trackers, clicking on this special tracker will bring you to the relevant setup tab. Every time you log out and log in, the list of tracked group buffs is reset - the list is not reset when changing roles however.

Characters will use the "General" role unless you switch to a different one. To switch between roles, use the command /hbw setrole <role> - if the role doesn't already exist it will be created. After switching to a different role, the tracker display will not update until the reload button is clicked, the command /hbw reload is issued, or an automatic reload is triggered from changing your character's abilities. Because of this, it is suggested to make macros to control switching between roles:
    hbw setrole Senticar
    loadequip 1
    role 1
    hbw setrole Senticar (solo)
    hbw reload

Contact Herald@Millrush or [email protected] with any bugs, issues, or suggestions or visit the addon webpage at http://www.curse.com/addons/rift/buff-warden.