Crafting Material Information

Crafting Material Information


I just want to say thank you to Lazareth for creating a great little addon, and for letting me take over this project. all credit goes to him.

  • ver. 1.8
    • see change log for all the information. ( just 4 items added. )
    • also this will be the last update, as I have gotten hooked into FFXIV-ARR
    • If some one wants to take this over please let me know email can be found in the .toc file.

This addon adds to the in-game tooltip and provides information pertaining to the crafting material being displayed. It shows you what tradeskills the item is used in, and the minimum and maximum skill levels for the item.

* Fixed in ver 1.2 Note: The game has two classifications for crafting items. Crafting Material and Crafting Ingredient. This addon currently only parses through Crafting Materials, so things like planar dust, broken down metals, woods and cloths won't be parsed yet. I plan on adding those in the future.

Also, I got all the information on crafting materials from Megalo, so there might be some incorrect information, or items that aren't added. If you come across any strange information, any errors or missing items (the addon will tell you), please let me know and I will add them as soon as I can.