Dimension Toolbox

Dimension Toolbox


Patch 2.2 introduced an issue with text boxes and UI scaling. The only solution at the moment is to set your Global UI scale (settings - interface - display) to 100% (this may interfere with your UI layout - not sure). Trion should be fixing this soon.

"Dimension Toolbox", an addon to help with building dimensions.

Demonstration video (v 1.2) (youtube)


  • Displays attibute values for the selected dimension items
    - Positional values (X, Y, Z)
    - Rotational values (Yaw, Pitch, Roll)
    - Scale value
  • Change the above values accurately by entering a number
    - Can enter absolute or relative values
  • Copy an items attibutes and paste them onto another item
    - Can offset specific attributes when pasting
    - Can offset each item seperately to allow for quick alignment of multiple items
  • Save and load sets of items.
  • Import and export sets of items (share your constructions with friends!)


  • Type /toolbox in order to show/hide the toolbox window. When hidden, it should take up very little to no resources.

  • Select an item to see its attributes. Note that the attributes are updated on mouseclick, so if the item fails to appear just click the mouse and it should update. (This is a temporary issue until dimension events are added to the API)

  • To move an item or group of items, enter the desired values into the X, Y, Z boxes and click 'Modify position'. See below for the difference between absolute and relative positioning.
    - When moving multiple items, the Move as group option moves the selected items while keeping their relative positions. Unchecking this option will move all selected items to the exact entered location.
    - The 'reset' button will move the item(s) close to your character.

  • To rotate an item, enter the desired values into the Yaw, Pitch, Roll boxes and click 'Modify rotation'.
    - The 'reset' button will set the item's yaw, pitch and roll values to 0.

  • To modify the item's scale, enter the desired values into the Scale box and click 'Modify scale'
    - The 'reset' button will set the item's scale to 1.

  • To copy/paste an item's attributes, first select the item you wish to copy, and click 'Copy attributes'. Then select the item you wish to paste the attributes onto and click 'Paste attributes'.
    - The checkboxes below the copy/paste buttons can be deselected if you don't wish to paste certain attributes. If you want to paste an items rotation for example, but not its position, you can uncheck the 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' boxes before pasting.
    - The 'offset' values beside the checkboxes allow you to add a value to that particular attribute when pasting. For example, if you copy an item with a Y-position of 45, but you want the pasted item to have a Y-position of 55 (nudged by 10), enter '10' into the textbox beside the 'Y' checkbox.
    - When working with multiple items, the 'Offset each item seperately' checkbox will increase the offset for each item modified. For example, copying an item with a Y-value of 15 and pasting this onto 3 objects with a Y-offset of 10 will result in the new objects having Y values of 25, 35 and 45. See the video above for a demonstration of this feature.

To save an item set:
Select the items you wish to save, enter a name for the set (under 'save/load item sets), and click 'Save'

To load an item set:

  • Select the item set you wish to load from the drop-down
  • Click 'Print materials' to see a list of materials needed for the set
  • Select the required materials in the dimension (e.g. if the set requires 4 planks, you must place 4 planks in your dimension and select them)
  • Click 'Load' to load the set
  • Select the 'Load at original location' to load the item set in the place it was saved. Otherwise, the set will be loaded next to the player's position.

Importing / Exporting:

  • To import a set, paste the string into the "import" text field, enter a name in the "name" text field, and click the "Import" button.
  • To export a set, select the saved set from the drop-down list, and click "Export set". The exported string will appear in the "Export" text field.

Absolute and relative positioning:

  • Absolute positioning will set the value to the value you input. For example if an item has an X-value of 300 and you enter a value of 500, its new X-value will be 500.
  • Relative positioning will 'nudge' the value by the amount you enter. For example, if an item has an X-value of 300 and you enter a value of 20 using relative positioning, its new X-value will be 320. If you entered -20, its new X-value would be 280.

Note that certain values will be adjusted to the minimum or maximum possible value. For example if you enter a scale of '10' it will be reduced to the maximum that the item can have.

Lost the toolbox window? Type /toolbox reset to get it back