


! Brutmutter was closed so i had to move. Now i'm on Brutwacht, and my new name is Sylthari !

The original idea is taken from this addon, written by Bombshelly.

The addon allows you to send bags full of artifacts to another toon, quick and easy.
I updated the functions to the new API and fixed some errors. Also i removed the mail body, since it prevents the automatic deletion of mails after you auto-looted them. The main functionality stays the same, with a few additions:

If you have Indiana's Artifact Catalogue of Doom installed and you're tracking the artifacts, you can choose if you

  • want to send all the artifacts in your bags to another toon, regardless if you need them or not or
  • only send those you already collected.

If you haven't installed the Artifact Catalogue or aren't tracking the collection status of your toon, you won't get the checkbox and the addon will try to send all the artifacts it finds in your bags.


  1. Open your mailbox
  2. type /hmd <character-name-to-send-artifacts-to> (or put it in a macro, if you do that regularly)
  3. A confirmation window will open, and you'll have to click on "send" untill all artifacts are sent (which will close the dialog).

Known Problems:

  • If you send too many mails in a short time (10 in a minute, i guess) you won't be able to send more until you wait a little.
  • The new artifact collections are not yet in the catalogue, so sending them with the checkbox checked won't work.


  • You can now choose to send only artifacts that are needed by the recipient (if Indy's is installed and the recipient tracks the collection status)
  • Fixes to the UI now reflect a new slash command. Before, if you wanted to send artifacts to two different toons, the confirmation dialog wouldn't change properly - now it does.


  • Fixed a bug which caused by missing interaction flags (i.e. mail window closed)


  • Some typos fixed - should be working again...


  • Works again in 3.0 :)


  • Changed maximum bags to 8 and slots to 36
  • Fixed an error that was generated by items not having a category

Enjoy, and if you run into problems, comment. Also you may /w me, i'm on Brutmutter and go by the name of "Alystin".