


Hermes aims to give some missing tools that are missing in the actual Rift interface in order to have a better PvE exeprience!

To achieve this, Hermes is designed as a set of modules, this structure gives a better flexibility to the addon and also gives a better scalability! each version brings new features and sometimes new modules!

Hermes is also designed with the will of making it as optimal as possible (at the best of my skill level)

The actual modules are:

Hermes: core module, the heart of the addon
Event scanner: let you scan all the events of an encoutner!
Proximity warning: to see if we are too close to other raid members
MinD's Eye: show a unit bar of each mob we are attacking, shows also with what spell we are hitting that target
Hestia: Goddess of the sacred fire! prevent our sacred fire from vanishing! (check the consumable)
Boss mods: only 2 are available for now (Crucia + matriarche) and they work only on the french version of the game (localisation is needed)

Each module can be activated and desactivated independently from each other, desactivated module consume 0 resources.

The modules are set in categories to show their behaviour:

Core module: only one! Hermes, desactivating it means you are desactivating the whole addon
General module: active all the time (if activated)
Off combat module: active only if out of combat, go inactive if a combat starts
Boss module: in sleep mode even if active, the core module awake the appropriate module if an encounter is detected.

Each module have it own config window and can be customized.
The best way to get more detail on each module is to test them!^^

That's all! I Hope that hermes will help some players as much as he help me in Rift!

Have fun all!