LibNotify by NerfedWar
LibNotify provides an API to display/manage a stack of fading growl-like alerts and notifications.
Command-line Usage:
/notify to display this help. /notify [colour] [message] /alert [colour] [message] [color]: [d]: default. [r]: red. [g]: green. [b]: blue. [message]: the message to display. e.g. /alert r Hello RIFT!
API Usage:
LibNotify.notify(colour, message) LibNotify.alert(colour, message) e.g. /script LibNotify.alert(LibNotify.GREEN, 'Hello again RIFT!') where colour can equal: LibNotify.BLACK, LibNotify.RED, LibNotify.GREEN, LibNotify.BLUE, and message is a string.
Embedding LibNotify:
Ddd the following to your .toc file and place the LibNotify directory beneath your own adon directory. (See the ChatAlert addon for a full example)
Embed = { LibNotify = true, } Dependencies = { LibNotify = {"required", "before"}, }