

When emptying inventory bags, it is sometimes hard to see if item is the one you were using or is it some new drop. And sometimes it is hard to compare new drops with old one, if that old-one is off-spec item and it is not weared.
MarkItems addon makes marked item more visible in inventory bags. Usage:
    /markitems add [color]
      Adds all items you are currently wearing to the highlight list
    /markitems clear
      Remove all items from list
    /markitems mark [color]
      Add mouseovered item
    /markitems unmark
      Remove mouseovered item
Optional [color] argument:
1=purple (This is default color if color argument is missing), 2=red, 3=green, 4=blue, 5=yellow, 6=cyan, 7=white Bugs:
  • If you moving bags over each other, marks for both bags are visible.
  • With some global UI scale and bag scale combinations marks are misslocated.