

Dumps currently available API object info in tree and JSON format to the chat window.

Usage: /list [option] or /json [option]:

/list will dump option info in a tree-like printout.

/json will dump option info in JSON format preceded by "JSON:" for easy pickup by log parsers.

  • [p] [player]: dump player info
  • [t] [target]: dump player target info
  • [s] [skills]: dump abilities
  • [bp] [buffplayer]: dump player buffs
  • [bt] [bufftarget]: dump player target buffs
  • [cp] [castplayer]: dump player cast bar
  • [ct] [casttarget]: dump player target cast bar
  • [u] [units]: dump all viewable units
  • [u+] [unitsdetail]: dump detail of all viewable units
  • [cpu]: dump CPU usage info
  • [doc]: dump API documentation info
  • [mouse]: dump Mouse info
  • [shard]: dump Shard info
  • [lang]: dump Language info
  • [tf] [timeframe]: dump Time Frame info
  • [tr] [timereal]: dump Time Real info
  • [ui]: dump UI Object info