Rift Utilities

Rift Utilities


Stand alone application - not an addon that can be installed in the interface folder

Q: Why stand alone?
A: Because RIFT API is very limiting for the moment.
Q: But couldn't it be a virus or a keylogger that will steal my account?
A: There's a feature called Coin Lock that prevents that, unless you have the same password on your RIFT account as you do on your email address (very bad idea by the way), and if I know your email address.

The application is working only with Windows, also you require .NET framework 4.0 and other runtime programs that you get if you keep your Windows updated.

This application for the moment helps keeping track of warfronts statistics like wins, loses, maximum / minimum / average favor earned. It only works for the maximum warfront bracket - level 50. It works best for people that have 2 monitors since you can play the game on one and manage your wins/lost games statistics with the application on the other monitor.

To remove the application simply use the Add/Remove feature from Windows Control Panel to uninstall it.
I will do my best to communicate through the comments

End User License Agreement:
By downloading and running the application the user agrees on the following:
1. The developing team has no responsibility regarding the programs effect on the hardware and software the user possess.
2. The developing team cannot be held account for any malfunction or damage to the users hardware and software parts of the machine.
3. The user accepts the software as is.

Known issues with version 1.1:

  • application does not work on all the machines due to the different versions (of .NET and other C# and other runtimes) that are used


  • "Copy clipboard" buttons vary in size slightly

Known issues with version 1.2:

  • executable throws some fatal errors when trying to start it up, the most common (under Windows XP) is "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)"
  • executable won't start up if it is located on the desktop, will throw an error - how to fix: place it in a folder and launch it from there