Synergy - the interaction or cooperation of two or more people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
This addon by definition was created in an adverse attempt to generate synergism throughout the PvP community.
- You must be in "CrossEvents@Faeblight" or "CrossEvents" if your shard is Faeblight for this addon to successfully communicate to other players
- If you are using the EU shards, you must be in "CrossEvents@Brutwacht" or "CrossEvents" if your shard is Brutwacht for the same reason.
- Receive a list of all online players with this addon, whom are interested in Warfronts/CQ
- View others vengeance, valor, calling, possible roles and their current prestige level in a sortable list
- Send invites/tells to listed players
- The ability to freely join or remove yourself from the list
- /syn or /synergy will display the command list
- /syn show - Will show the main window if for some reason the minimap icon is not accessible
- /syn help - Opens the help window which explains how to use the addon
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Buy me a coffee! - Hit the donate button <3
Thanks to Ankitha@Hailol for extensively testing this addon.
This addon has the potential to be something amazing for the community, but it needs you! it's users. The more people who use this addon the greater it will become so tell your friends and within no time active players will be pulsating through the addon.