Tinker Tools is a complete overhaul of Dimension Tools.
- Move, rotate and scale items in various modes with numeric input
- Copy a group of items and paste an array of copies to build complex structures
- Offset Calculator
- Determine values to perfectly align building blocks
- Automatically detect parameters
- Conveniently transfer results to the Move or Copy&Paste tool
- Save a set of items for later use or as backup and load them using items straight from your inventory
- Tribal Magic lets you "fly" in your dimension (based on Magic Carpet)
- Alfiebet creates words from building blocks with built-in fonts
Chat Commands:
- "/tt config": Open settings dialog
- "/tt help": Open the help window when not in a dimension
- "/tt import_dt": Import saved sets from Dimension Tools (DT must be running for this)
- "/tt force": Make Tinker Tools assume you are in a dimension even if your are not; resets on zone changes
- "/tt reset": Reset UI positions to default values