

WarnMe as the name suggests is a helper addon to tell me the player about specific events in the game. I use this addon to help me while raiding with the Shoreline guild on Steampike. The addon can raise warnings in the following circumstances:

- A specified emote is said
- An NPC says a particular thing
- A buff/debuff appears on player/target/focus
- A buff/debuff is missing from player/target/focus
- A buff/debuff reaches a preset number of stacks
- A buff/debuff is less than or equal to a preset number of stacks
- The health/mana/charge of player/target/focus is below/above a defined percentage
- An ability cooldown has started/ended
- A particular channeled spell has been cast

The addon splits warnings into two parts, warnings and events. An event is the situation to track, so a buff being missing is an example event. A warning is the action that takes place when an event occurs. The addon currently supports two types of warning:

- Display a text message on the screen, this can be a countdown clock
- Show an image on the screen
- Display the text or image periodically based on a timer
- Flash the screen
- Show a counter bar

Warnings can flash and be defined to disappear after a certain duration.

Events each have a defined scope. This scope helps define when the event is active. Scope is based on party size, role, combat status and character. Character can either be "All characters" or the name of a particular character. The addon settings are saved for all characters on the same shard, so you can easily define warnings and events for all your alts. You can select any of your 5 roles in the scope of an event. Unfortunately the addon interface does not allow addons to determine your current role or notice when you change roles. This means you must tell the addon when you change roles. This can via the slash command "/warnme role n" where n is the new role number. The best way to handle roles is via a role change macro. Here is the macro I use to switch into role 3:

loadequip 3
role 3
warnme role 3

You can use your own images with WarnMe. Just download and install the MyTextures stub addon. Now copy your image files into the newly created Interface\Addons\MyTextures directory in your Rift game folder. Images can be jpeg, png, dds or tga format. See Example 4 below on configuring a texture warning using your own image.

Lets use some examples to help clarify the warning/event definitions.

Example 1 - Show the message "AWAY" when the player gets the Ancient Flames debuff from Vladmal Prime

First we create the warning "AWAY" message:

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Add button beside "Warnings Text" to bring up the "Text Warning Editor"
  3. Enter AWAY in the Name field. This value must be unique across all warnings.
  4. Enter AWAY in the Display String field. This is the string you will see on the screen
  5. Press the Choose button beside x%,y% and then click the mouse where you want the warning to appear
  6. Leave the Font Size at 200, we dont want to miss this message
  7. Leave the duration at 5, meaning the message will disappear after 5 seconds
  8. Leave the alpha at 1, which will keep the text fully opaque
  9. Press the Choose button beside Test Colour if you wish to change the text colour
  10. Move the Flash Frequency slider to 0, which means the text will not flash
  11. Press OK

Now we have our warning we need an event to trigger it:

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Add button beside the "Events Buff"
  3. Enter Ancient Flames in the Name field. This value must be unique across all events. I have used the debuff name here but you can choose any value as long as it is unique.
  4. Press the Choose button beside Warning and select AWAY from the popup
  5. Enter Ancient Flames in the Buff Name field. This must be the exact buff name.
  6. Leave the Buff target set to player
  7. Leave the Buff type as Buff/Debuff exists
  8. Leave all the checkboxes alone, as they are already defined for raid events.
  9. Press OK

Now press OK on the main warnme config screen and we are done. When you next meet Vladmal your warning will popup. Rather than wait we should test it by using one of your own buffs. So lets edit the event and change the buff name so you can test it:

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Edit button beside the "Events Buff"
  3. Select Ancient Flames from the popup
  4. Change the Buff Name field from Ancient Flames to be the name of one of your own buffs
  5. Press OK to finish editing the event
  6. Press OK on the warnme config screen

Now the message should appear when you cast your buff and disappear when you cancel the buff.

Example 2 - Show the same "AWAY" message when Inwar Darktide does his surge emote. We will re-use the AWAY warning we made in 1 above, as many events can all share the same warning. This was the reason I split warnings from events. Lets add a new event:

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Add button beside the "Events Emote"
  3. Enter Surge in the Name field
  4. Press the Choose button beside Warning and select AWAY from the popup
  5. Enter "Rage surges through Inwar Darktide's body" in the emote field without the double quotes
  6. Leave all the checkboxes alone, as they are already defined for raid events.
  7. Press OK
  8. Press OK on the warnme config screen

Now we will also see the AWAY warning when the boss does his surge emote. Note that the emote string must be exactly what the boss says, including an punctation marks at the end. This is to keep the addon cpu usage low. The best way of capturing an emote string is type /log to enable non-combat logging. Fight the boss and then you will be able to copy his emote string from the log.txt file in your Rift game directory.

Example 3 - Show the Fervor texture when I am in a raid and in combat but missing both the Anthem of Fervor and Living Energy buffs

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Add button beside "Warnings Texture" to bring up the "Texture Warning Editor"
  3. Enter Fervor in the Name field. This value must be unique across all warnings.
  4. Leave the Addon as Rift
  5. Press the Choose button beside Texture field to bring up the "Texture selector"
  6. Click on the Anthem of Fervor icon and press OK. The icons are in alphabetical order.
  7. Press the Choose button beside x%,y% and then click the mouse where you want the warning to appear
  8. Change the scaling slider to 200, as we want our icon to be twice as big as normal
  9. Change the duration to 0 meaning it will always show
  10. Leave the alpha at 1, which will keep the text fully opaque
  11. Move the Flash Frequency slider to 0, which means the icon will not flash
  12. Press OK save the warning
  13. Press the Add button beside the "Events Buff"
  14. Enter FervorLE in the Name field. This value must be unique across all events.
  15. Press the Choose button beside Warning and select Fervor from the popup
  16. Enter Anthem of Fervor, Living Energy in the Buff Name field. This comma separated list of buffs can only be used for the buff missing type.
  17. Leave the Buff target set to player
  18. Change the Buff type as Buff/Debuff is missing
  19. Uncheck the Out Combat check box, as we only want this warning to show when in combat.
  20. Press OK

Example 4 - Create a texture warning using your own image file

  1. Copy your texture file into the Interface\Addons\MyTextures addon directory in your Rift game folder
  2. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  3. Press the Add button beside "Warnings Texture" to bring up the "Texture Warning Editor"
  4. Enter SuperDuperImage in the Name field. This value must be unique across all warnings.
  5. Change the Addon to MyTextures
  6. Change the Texture field to be the filename of your image, so BlueWaveCircle.png in my case
  7. Press the Choose button beside x%,y% and then click the mouse where you want the warning to appear
  8. Leave the scaling slider to 100, as we want our icon to be default size
  9. Change the duration to 0 meaning it will always show
  10. Leave the alpha at 1, which will keep the text fully opaque
  11. Move the Flash Frequency slider to 0, which means the icon will not flash
  12. Press OK save the warning

You can see an example picture using an image in the uploaded addon screenshots.

Example 5 - 40 second wave alert for Akylios phase 1

Use the below instuctions to display a texture image 5 seconds before the waves will hit in phase 1. This will fire 3 times. This alert also needs the MyTextures stub addon, so download it from http://www.riftui.com/downloads/info106-MyTextures.html

  1. Copy your texture file into the Interface\Addons\MyTextures addon directory in your Rift game folder
  2. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  3. Press the Add button beside "Warnings Texture" to bring up the "Texture Warning Editor"
  4. Enter BlueWave in the Name field.
  5. Change the Addon field to MyTextures
  6. Change the Texture field to be the filename of your image, so BlueWaveCircle.png in my case
  7. Leave x% at 50 and change y% to 55
  8. Leave the scaling slider to 100, as we want our icon to be default size
  9. Change the duration to 5
  10. Leave the alpha at 1, which will keep the text fully opaque
  11. Move the Flash Frequency slider to 0, which means the icon will not flash
  12. Press OK save the warning
  13. Press the Add button beside Timer
  14. Set the name field to be Akylios Wave40
  15. Press the Choose button beside Warning and choose BlueWave
  16. Change Initial Delay to be 38
  17. Change Timer Duration to be 40
  18. Change Repeats to be 2
  19. Press OK to save the timer
  20. Press the Add button beside Events Stat
  21. Set the name field to be Akylios Wave Timer40
  22. Press the Choose button beside Warning and choose Akylios Wave40
  23. Press the Choose button beside Target and select named
  24. Set the Target Name to be Jornaru
  25. Set the Health% to 50
  26. Leave the Event Type as Health % is greater than...
  27. Press OK to save the event

Example 7 - Display a cooldown countdown timer over an action bar button

Addons cannot interract with the action bars in the default Rift UI, so addon's like OmniCC in wow are not yet possible. You can simulate an ability icon cooldown timer by drawing the countdown on top of the button. This works well, but will need to be changed everytime you move your action bars. Use the below instuctions to display a 12 second countdown timer every time the Strike Like Iron ability is used.

  1. Type "/warnme" to open the config window
  2. Press the Add button beside "Warnings Text" to bring up the "Text Warning Editor"
  3. Enter SLITimer in the Name field. This value must be unique across all warnings.
  4. Enter " {Countdown}" in the Display String field. The initial space is necessary due to a bug in the Rift addon UI
  5. Press the Choose button beside x%,y% and then click the mouse in the middle of your "Strike Like Iron" ability button
  6. Change the Font Size to 40
  7. Change the duration to 12, which is the length of the ability cooldown
  8. Leave the alpha at 1, which will keep the text fully opaque
  9. Press the Choose button beside Text Colour if you wish to change the text colour
  10. Move the Flash Frequency slider to 10, which means the text will change colour after 10 seconds
  11. Press OK save the warning
  12. Press the Add button beside Events Ability
  13. Set the name field to be SLICountdown
  14. Press the Choose button beside Warning and choose SLITimer
  15. Set the Ability name to be "Strike like Iron"
  16. Leave the Event Type as Ability cooldown has started
  17. Press OK to save the event