Wire's RaidKiller

Wire's RaidKiller


Wire's RaidKiller

Version 0.6.4

Updated 2011/12/14

Are you a RaidKiller?!?

Wire's RaidKiller addon will help prevent you from killing your raid using subtle reminders when encounter mechanics occur.

What's New

  • Wire's OCD Translation!
  • Screen Alerts!
  • Encounter Monitor!
    • Phase and objective tracking
  • Redesigned Options Window!
    • Scroll Bars, Scrolling Lists and Dropdown Lists!
    • Team Wire Ticker!
  • Updated and added many mechanics!
    • Rise of the Phoenix mechanics
    • Caduceus Rise "Expert" difficulty mechanics
  • Translations
    • French Translation by < LegendS > @ Brisesol
    • German Translation by < Relict > @ Rhazade


  • Enhanced Encounter Tracking!
    • Active encounter indicator shows the current encounter's duration
    • Phase and current objectives display
    • Attempts, completions, best and last times are all saved by encounter
  • Encounter Mechanics!
    • Triggers
      • Buff, cast, speak, notification, engage, percentage timer, phase and objective triggers
      • Triggers lead to on-screen indicator actions as a result of certain events
    • Actions
      • Customizable timer, screen alert and screen frame flash actions
      • Actions get your attention during encounters and help predict upcoming events
  • Graphical User Interface!
    • Quickly view encounter and mechanic details
    • Zones and encounters are filtered by difficulty and number of players
    • Easily enable, disable, edit and test mechanics
  • Command Line Interface
    • Enable and disable the addon through the command line without the need to log out
  • [Packaged] Wire's NPSee Addon!
    • Real Time Target Gauges
      • Target Gauges will appear for every hostile unit targetted by your raid
      • See health, mana, energy, power and cast bars
      • Draggable, resizable, persistent
  • [Packaged] Wire's OCD Addon!
    • Track ability cooldowns for members of your raid
      • Timers are sorted by cooldown, ability and genre
      • Enable and disable abliity tracking globally
      • Control cooldown variation by player
      • Track your raid's Planar Charges and Soulwalk timers


Wire's RaidKiller currently supports all instanced 10 and 20 player content, with limited support for 5 player content.

  • Hammerknell Fortresss [Enhanced mostly tested support]
    • Akylios
    • Inwar Darktide
    • Inquisitor Garau
    • Estrode
    • Grugonim
    • Sicaron
    • Vladmal Prime
    • Soulrender Zilas
    • Rune King Molinar
    • Matron Zamira
    • Murdantix
    • Trash
  • River of Souls [Enhanced somewhat tested support]
    • Alsbeth the Discordant
    • Herald Gaurath
    • Plutonus the Immortal
    • Warmaster Galenir
    • Dark Focus
    • Trash
  • Greenscale's Blight [Enhanced mostly tested support]
    • Lord Greenscale
    • Prince Hylas
    • Oracle Aleria
    • Infiltrator Johlen
    • Duke Letareus
  • Rise of the Phoenix [Enhanced mostly untested support]
    • High Priest Arakhurn
    • General Silgen
    • Beruhast
    • Ereandorn
  • Drowned Halls [Enhanced mostly untested support]
    • Hydriss
    • Isskal
    • Joloral Ragetide
    • Assault Commander Jorb
  • Gilded Prophecy [Enhanced mostly tested support]
    • Uruluuk
    • Thalguur
    • Guurloth
    • Anrak the Foul
  • Caduceus Rise [Enhanced mostly untested support]
    • Caduceus
    • Cinderstorm
    • Captain Black Spit
    • Rodiafel
    • Zugthak
    • Ashcaller Zael
    • Coalgut
    • Hookmaster Palos
    • High Thane Hergen

How It Works

Install and you're good to go!


Type "/rk options" or left-click the "Gravestone" icon labeled "RK" to open the "Options" window.

The "Gravestone" icon is an application pin and will be visible on-screen at all times. You can drag and drop it anywhere on the screen, then lock it into place by right-clicking. This pin also serves as an active encounter indicator. It will turn red only when you are currently engaged in an encounter and will be grey otherwise.

Command Line

Type "/rk" to bring up a list of commands:

  • "/rk clear" will reset all persistent data
  • "/rk debug" will toggle debug mode
    • Debug mode is toggled "Off" by default
  • "/rk enable" will toggle new encounter and mechanic response
  • "/rk options" will display the "Options" window
  • "/rk chronicle" will toggle chronicle encounters
    • Chronicles are toggled "Off" by default
  • "/rk stacking" will toggle timer stacking "Up" or "Down"
    • Timer stacking is "Down" by default


The "Mechanics" page of the "Options" window allows you to browse through mechanics by content type, zone and encounter.

Mechanics rely on specific triggers during encounters, allowing on-screen actions to be performed as a result of certain events.


Buff, cast, speak, notification, engage, percentage and timer triggers are currently supported.

Specific mechanic triggers are hard-coded per enconter and cannot be modified. Mechanic descriptions generally indicate what event that mechanic is triggering from.


Mechanic actions are customizable.

Click the "Color" box for each action to open a "Choose Color" dialog. Use the sliders to select the color you want, then click "Ok" to save. Clicking "None" will save the default color settings instead.

Enable an action by clicking on the red "Disabled" check box. Disable an action by clicking on the green "Enabled" check box. Test all enabled actions for a mechanic by clicking the "Trigger" button.

Flash Actions

If a mechanic features a "Flash" action, your screen frame will flash momentarily when that mechanic is triggered. This function is designed to get your attention and usually indicates that you should perform some action.

Timer Actions

If a mechanic features a "Timer" action, a timer will appear under the "Wire's RaidKiller Timers" cascade bar when that mechanic is triggered. Timers count down time remaining, filling up from left to right.

Timers are removed when they expire. Left-click a timer to deactivate it.

Cascade Bar

Drag and drop the yellow "Wire's RaidKiller Timers" bar anywhere on the screen. Right click the bar to lock or unlock its size and position. Use your mouse wheel while hovering over an unlocked bar to change its size. Locking the bar will hide it until hovered over.

Unlocked timers will adopt the current size of their parent bar and will cascade below it when they appear. Individual timers can also be moved, resized and locked independently.

Use the "/rk stacking" command to toggle whether timers cascade above or below the cascade bar.

Untested Mechanics

Untested mechanics have their actions disabled by default. These mechanics should work most of the time, but cycle times and triggers may be slightly off. This is why they are disabled until they can be verified.

Feel free to enabled untested mechanics and see how they work. Detailed feedback is appreciated.

[Packaged] Wire's NPSee Addon

Wire's NPSee Addon has its own project site. Check out the details at RiftGame.com, Curse.com or RiftUI.com.

Command Line

Type "/nps" to bring up a list of commands:

  • "/nps clear" will reset all persistent data
  • "/nps debug" will toggle debug mode
    • Debug mode is toggled "Off" by default
  • "/nps enable" will toggle new target gauge display
  • "/nps stacking" will toggle target gauge stacking "Up" or "Down"
    • Target Gauge stacking is "Down" by default
  • "/nps pvp" will toggle NPSee's PvP display "On" or "Off"
    • PvP display is "On" by default
  • "/nps pet" will toggle NPSee's pet display "On" or "Off"
    • Pet display is "Off" by default

Whenever a hostile unit becomes the target of a member of your raid, a target gauge will appear under the "Wire's NPSee Targets" cascade bar. Target gauges are removed when the unit dies or is no longer targetted by anyone in your raid.

Cascade Bar

Drag and drop the yellow "Wire's NPSee Targets" bar anywhere on the screen. Right click the bar to lock or unlock its size and position. Use your mouse wheel while hovering over an unlocked bar to change its size. Locking the bar will hide it until hovered over.

Target Gauges

Unlocked target gauges will adopt the current size of their parent bar and will cascade below it when they appear. Individual target gauges can also be moved, resized and locked independently.

All gauges are updated in real time, displaying hitpoints and resource levels of their targets, along with a cast bar.

[Packaged] Wire's OCD Addon

Wire's OCD Addon has its own project site. Check out the details at RiftGame.com, Curse.com or RiftUI.com.


Type "/ocd options" or left-click the "Cemetary" icon labeled "OCD" to open the "Options" window.

The "Cemetary" icon serves as an application pin and will be visible on-screen at all times. You can drag and drop it anywhere on the screen, then lock it into place by right-clicking.

Command Line

Type "/ocd" to bring up a list of commands:

  • "/ocd clear" will reset all persistent data
  • "/ocd debug" will toggle debug mode
    • Debug mode is toggled "Off" by default
  • "/ocd enable" will toggle new timer display
  • "/ocd stacking" will toggle timer stacking "Up" or "Down"
    • Timer stacking is "Down" by default

Each time you open the "Options" window, your raid list will be updated automatically. Press the "Refresh" button to update the raid list manually if the window remains open.

Raid Abilities

Track Planar Charges and Soulwalk timers for your raid through the "Options" window.

Change the cooldown of your guild's Soulwalk by selecting "Soul Walk" from the "Raid Abilities" list and then the desired cooldown from the adjacent "Cooldowns" list.

Cooldown Timers

Clicking an inactive timer will activate it. Clicking an active timer will reset and deactivate it.

Clicking a player's Soulwalk timer in the "Options" window will have the same effect.

Ability Tracking By Player

Click a player in the "Raid" list to view their trackable abilities in the "Player Abilities" list. This list is filtered by calling and global override.

Abilities for which a cooldown timer is currently displayed are highlighted. Click an ability in the "Player Abilities" list to proactively create or retroactively dismiss a cooldown timer for that ability.

Selecting an ability from the "Player Abilities" list will display a list of available cooldowns in the adjacent "Cooldowns" list. Select the desired cooldown for each player and ability from the "Cooldowns" list. This new cooldown will be applied to any non-active cooldown timer for that player.

Ability Tracking Global Override

Click a genre in the "Genre" list to view a list of abilities in the adjacent "Global Override" list.

Click an ability in the "Global Override" list to toggle whether it is tracked. Tracked abilities are highlighted and will display cooldown timers whenever a player in your raid uses that ability. Untracked abilities will not display cooldown timers.


  • Download from Curse.com or RiftUI.com
  • Extract the files to a folder on your desktop
  • Run Rift
  • Click the "Addons" button at the character select screen
  • Click the "Open Addon Directory" button on the "Addons List" screen to open a "Windows" folder window
  • The path should be: "< game directory >\Interface\Addons"
  • Copy the addon folder from your desktop into the newly opened folder window, replacing if prompted
  • Click "Refresh" on the "Addons List" screen once the new files are in the "Addons" folder
  • Make sure the "Wired", "OCD", "NPSee" and "RaidKiller" addons are enabled and you should be all set

Known Issues

Wire's NPSee Addon

  • Targetting
    • You cannot click on a target gauge to change your target in-game, so please don't request this. It's solely a limitation of Trion's LUA support. If Trion ever adds support to alter your targets, this will be added immediately.
  • Targets
    • You'll only get a target gauge for NPC's that are actually targetted by someone in your raid. So if you pull 5 mobs and only see a target gauge for one of them, this is a limitation of Trion's LUA support. If Trion ever adds support to view all targets you're currently in combat with, this will be added immediately.
  • Ordering
    • Players changing their targets may change the display order of your cascading targets, if they are the only player with that target targetted. I'm considering some method to preserve the display order of cascading targets.
  • Cloning
    • If you lock a target gauge and another target with the same name appears, the new gauge will be drawn under the original gauge. I'm considering changing this behavior, but for the mean time I would suggest locking gauges only for unique targets, like boss mobs or singular adds.
  • Performance
    • Under normal conditions, performance impact is minimal. However, multiple mobs chain casting is somewhat more CPU intensive than non-casters. You can disable cast bar displays if this becomes an issue for you.

Wire's OCD Addon

  • Planar Charges
    • Planar Charge information is not available for anyone but yourself. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support and will be changed in 1.6.
  • Roles
    • Role information is not available for anyone outside your current group. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support and will be changed in 1.6.
    • There is no way to know what ablities players in your raid have available. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support.
    • To counteract this, communicate with your fellow raiders and proactively create cooldown timers.
  • Instant Cast-time Abilities
    • Non-damaging instant cast-time abilities are currently untrackable. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support.
    • Combat Rez
      • A combat rez is currently tracked only when the target actually accepts the rez. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support with regards to instant cast-time abilities.
      • If two players attempt to rez the same target, only the player who's rez was actually accepted will get a cooldown timer.
      • To counteract this, communicate with your fellow raiders and use the manual override (click the missed cooldown timer to activate it).
  • Timing
    • There is no way to know if a player's ability is on cooldown when they join your raid. This is a limitation of Trion's LUA support.
    • To counteract this, communicate with your fellow raiders and use the manual override (click the missed cooldown timer to activate it).


If you experience any errors, feel free to contact me in-game (Wire @ Byriel) or via this thread, PM or email (wire dot byriel at gmail dot com).


Special thanks to Amarylis @ Byriel for help testing, timing and photographing.