


Simple tool to keep your inventory, bank, and guild bank nice and tidy. Various sorting methods available from simply moving items to fill empty slots, alphabetical order, to following the list of types on the auction house.

To setup simply choose where you want the xBagSort button to be for your inventory and/or bank. Click to expand it and get your bags in order!

Left-click the XBS button to expand the menu and configure sorting options.
Right-click the XBS button to sort based on the last used sorting options.

Full slash command list:

xBagSort UI:

  • /xbs ui - enables inventory sorting interface.
  • /xbs setup - brings up the intial UI location selection window.

xBagSort Slash Commands:

  • /xbs name - Sorts by name
  • /xbs type - Sorts by type
  • /xbs rarity - Sorts by item quality
  • /xbs ah - Sorts in the same order as the auction house
  • /xbs condense - Sorts inventory by removing empty slots and shifting items towards first bag
  • /xbs quantity - Sort inventory based on number of items in a stack.

  • Appending "bank" to the command will sort your bank instead of inventory:
  • "/xbs name bank" or "/xbs bank name"
  • This works for all sorting types.
  • Appending "bv" to a command, where # is the number of the bank vault, will cause it to sort your bank vault (ie. "/xbs bv01 name" or "/xbs name bv05"):
  • "/xbs name bv02" or "/xbs bv05 name"
  • This works for all sorting types.
  • Appending "guild#" where # is vault 1-5 to the command will sort the appropriate guild bank vault:
  • "/xbs name guild1" or "/xbs guild5 name"
  • This works for all sorting types.

  • To ignore a bag from sorting, add "ignore" for each bag where is the number of the bag.
  • "ignore01 ignore03 ignore04" would ignore bags 1, 3 and 4.
  • This works for both inventory and bank sorting.

  • To adjust sorting order:
  • "invert" or "-i" will reverse the sorting order (Z-A).
  • "rear" or "-r" will place empty slots before items.

  • Appending "autosort" or "auto" will enable auto-sorting for inventory bags.
  • Auto-sorting works for all current sorting methods and occurs when bags are opened.