



  • Displays an artwork at the bottom of the screen.
  • The first addon which auto load your skins, you don't need to change any codes.
  • You can quick switch your skin.
  • Auto Settings for 2048 or 1600 width skins.
  • Auto set skin height to same as chat height.
  • You can set the offset of your skin.
  • You can hide Chat and Triangle.
    • Chat: All Chat background set opacity to 0 and Emotion, ChatReset Button set opacity to 0.1.
    • Triangle: All the Triangle for move frame set opacity to 0.1.
  • You can hide MainMenu and Experience Bar.

Add Your Skin

  1. Download skin from anywhere.
    • The format of skin textures must fit adBottomArt.xml.
  2. Put your skin in ...\Interface\Addons\adBottomArt\Textures.
  3. Change the skin folder name to a continuous number. Ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., not 1, 3, 5....
  4. Copy ...\Interface\Addons\adBottomArt\Textures\1\loadfile.lua to your skin folder.
  5. Play game! You will find your skin in drop menu.
  • Your textures folder:

  - Interface
    - AddOns
      - adBottomArt
        - Textures
          + snl
          + 1
          + 2
           - 3
           · bg1.tga
           · bg2.tga
           · bg3.tga
           · bg4.tga
           · loadfile.lua
          + 4
          + 5

  • If you don't use above way, you can also set skin by /adba skin XXX.
  • There is must a folder which called snl in Textures folder in any version.
  • The max skins I limit at 30, if anyone want, I can change it to any number.

You Can Download Skin from

Slash Commands

  • Press Enter to set or Tab to change editbox in GUI.
  • /adBA or /adBottomArt - Open GUI.
  • /adBA alpha 0.5 - Change transparency of artwork to 0.5, varies between 0 ~ 1.0.
  • /adBA scale 2.2 - Change the scale of artwork to 2.2.
  • /adBA width 256 - Change the width of independent artworks to 256.
  • /adBA height 128 - Change the height of independent artworks to 128.
  • /adBA xoffset 10 - Change the x offset of artworks to 10.
  • /adBA yoffset 32 - Change the y offset of artworks to 32.
  • /adBA switch - Switch the bottom art.
  • /adBA skin XXX - Change skin which the folder called XXX.
  • /adBA autow - Set textures to fit your screen resolution.
  • /adBA autoh - Set the textures height to fit your screen resolution.
  • /adBA chath - Set the textures height to same as chat height.
  • /adBA 16center - Set the 1600 width textures to center.
  • /adBA 16scale - Set the 1600 width textures height and width to fit your screen resolution.
  • /adBA 16hath - Set the 1600 width textures height to same as chat height.


  • If you want to move Minimap, please use other addon.
  • The Information bar is not add by adBottomArt.
  • Sorry, I added 2 skins in the addon if you (the skin author) don't like, I will delete it.

Do you have problem?