- additional Informations in Tooltip
- HP
- Race/Class/gender
- HouseServant Levels
- Target
- Tooltip style based on fSlimUI
- update of HP/Mana etc.
- information to setskills the target uses (exploited setskills are marked red)
- config is hardcoded in config.lua
- texture: true|false -> use fSlimUI style
- useShortNumbers: true|false -> truncate numbers (1.234.567 -> 1.234kk)
- servants: true|false -> show house servant tooltip
- servantOnlyShow100: true|false -> only show stuff which is capped on level 100 (house servant)
- servantShowAll: true|false -> show charisma etc.
- update: true|false -> update tooltip
- updateTime: number -> update interval (in seconds, default: 0.5)
- updateTarget: true|false -> update target in tooltip
- updateMana: true|false -> update mana in tooltip (mana is the primary resource a class uses. e.g. rage for warriors)
- updateHP: true|false -> update hp in tooltip
- updateSkill: true|false -> update skill in tooltip (skill is the secondary resource a class uses, e.g. mana for Warrior/Priest)
- issShow = true|false -> show Setskills
- issShowNormal = true|false -> show non exploited setskills
- issAddClass = true|false -> show classinfo for non exploited setskills
- issAddZone = true|false -> show zone where the setskill can be obtained
- issPrintExploitedToChat = true|false -> print exploited skills to chat
- cenedril = true|false -> show infos to cenedril in cenedril-backpack
- showIDs= true|false -> show id of items/skills/buffs/etc.if possible