AutoBattleGround (Arcanium Arena / Stomping Grounds)

AutoBattleGround (Arcanium Arena / Stomping Grounds)


This addon will automatically leave the battleground on battleground close, rejoin the last clicked battleground queue (for stomping grounds after the cooldown) and enter the battleground if possible (perfect for Arcanium-Arena or Stomping Grounds farming).

It also supports PetAutoCraft, so PetAutoCraft will resume after Battleground.


  • /autobg status
  • /autobg toggle
  • /autobg hide
  • /autobg show

Do not use too many (for me not over 5, 8 GB RAM) multi accounts farming in arcanium arena at the same time at one computer, because if loading screen (to join) takes too long (over 60 seconds) you get caught in arcanium battleground (without getting points).

Logo Image by Freepik