Dungeon Loots ist ein Addon, welches Ihnen die Bossdrops eines Instanzbosses zeigt.
- Suchfunktion,
- einfaches Interface zum graden und plussen eines Items.
- levelangaben zu jeder Instanz
- Mementoanzahl pro Boss/Instanz
- Verlinkung mit strg+alt+Linksklick zur rom-welten datenbank
- Instanz/Bosspositionen auf der Weltkarte
Dungeon Loots is an Addon, which shows you the drops of a instance Boss.
- Search function
- an easy Interface to add tiers and plus an Item
- instances are with level-specification
- number of ancient mementos for each boss/instance
- with ctrl+alt+click it shows the item, boss or instance at database
- instance/bosspositions
Full Featurelist
- Search
- Tooltips with more information
- Alt+Click: Show Mappos if possible
- CTRL+ALT+Click -> romwelten db if possible
- Shift + Click -> Into Chat if possible
- CTRL + Click -> Preview if possible
- Instancelist
- Tooltips with more information
- Alt+Click: Show Mappos
- Bosslist of all NPCs
- Tooltips with more information
- Alt+Click: Show Mappos
- CTRL+ALT+Click -> romwelten db
- CTRL + Click -> Preview
- Shift + Click -> Into Chat
- ItemList
- Droprate
- Drop num
- CTRL+ALT+Click -> romwelten db
- CTRL + Click -> Preview
- Shift + Click -> Into Chat
- Statlist
- Droprate
- Full plus possibility
- Filter for current frame
- Worldmap
- ALT + Click -> Show BossList/ItemList
- CTRL+ALT+Click -> romwelten db (only bosses)
- Right-Click
- Dropdown
- Teleport
- Show In Dungeon Loot
- Show in romwelten db
- Preview if possible
- Dropdown
- Mementowarning if you enter an instance