


eTargetList is an addon that displays a list of units around you as HP bars.

Changes in ver.

  • fixed bug that caused eTargetList to stop functioning
  • workaround for when blood bars do not report hp correctly
  • updated version to include repository revision

Changes in ver. 0.2.0

  • fixed bug with bars not shown correctly.
  • added some configurations
  • removed "lock" feature
  • added some macro I/F
  • added target bar highlight
  • removed target indicator feature
  • now supports Addon Manager


  • displays a list of units around you as HP bars.
  • each bars have text that shows level, name and HP(%).
  • there are indicators that show your current aggro.
  • you can choose your target through this bars and can start attack.
  • you can choose unit that matches various conditions in the list by macro interface.
  • addon manager support

How to use

  • after installation of this addon, GUI configuration window will popup on your screen(see screenshots).
  • set your configuration and close, then this addon starts working.
  • you need to check the following in-game option
    [Interface Settings] -> [Health Bar] -> [Show Health Bars] and [Enemy Health Bar].
  • display distance goes along with this setting.

About targeting

  • left clicking on bars will target corresponding unit.
  • right clicking on bars will start auto-attacking to corresponding unit.
  • you can choose unit that matches various conditions in the list by macro interface.
    (also you can target unit even if it's behind you)
    TgtLowestHP() -> target unit that has lowest HP in the list.
    TgtLowestHPAggro() -> target unit that is attacking you and has lowest HP in the list. new in 0.2.0
    TgtNoneAggro() -> target unit that is not attacking you. new in 0.2.0
    TgtAtRandom() -> target unit randomly in the list. new in 0.2.0

About aggro indicators

  • units targeting you are shown as red(see screenshots).


  • type "/etl" for opening GUI configuration window.
  • type "/etl reset" for reseting config.
  • you can move the bars by mouse-dragging move button(see screenshots).
  • you can configure following settings through the pull-down menu(see screenshots) on config button.
    Addon Management -> Enable or Disable this addon
    Bar Fill Order -> TopDown or BottomUp new in 0.2.0
    Bar Style -> textures new in 0.2.0
    Labels -> Show LVL and Show HP new in 0.2.0
    Bar Size -> Height -> Numerical value new in 0.2.0
    -> Width -> Numerical value new in 0.2.0
    -> Space -> Numerical value(% of Height) new in 0.2.0
    Scale -> Numerical value
    Reset Config

Known issues:

  • despite inside of displaying distance, if the units are too tall or behind you the bars would not be shown.