- This is a detailed and beautiful Tooltip addon for monsters and players.
- Added players' and pets' Buff seconds in Tooltip if the time < YOUR_SETTING.
- Show monsters or combat player CastingBar on the Tooltip and show left second.
- Added a HealthBar on the Tooltip.
- Show ExtraTip on Pets.
- Rewrote quest messages make it easy to read.
- It will show QUEST_NAME (COUNT/NEED).
- Show real health, max health, health percent in Tooltip and ExtraTip HealthBar.
- Change color to green when monster health<21%.
- Change color to red when player health<31%.
- Show real health, max health in TargetFrame HealthBar.
- Show real magic, max magic, magic percent in Tooltip.
- Show mouseover target's target.
- Show female(♀) or male(♂).
- Show main/sub Lv and class.
- Colored classes.
- Colored monsters' Difficulty.
- Show race.
- Show Boss or Elite.
- You can close Tooltip of current monster in combat.
- Change tooltip width and transparency.
- Fix tooltip offset or not.
Addon Support
After v0.7, support following addons.
- DailyNotes, yaCIt, vyCardInfo, ZzaburCompendium.
Slash Command
- /et or /extratip - Open GUI.
- /etb 60 or /etbuff 60 - Show buff in players' ExtraTip when buff left time smaller 60 seconds.
- /et 20 or /extratip 20 - Enlarge 20 unit width of Tooltip, use minus will shrink Tooltip.
I only change Tooltip in game, if you need ThreatMeter please check this LINK or LINK.
The addon is base on testname's addon, I fix and change it.
Do you have problem?
- Please read Addon Teaching first.
- Please report bug at Tickets.