


Calculate costs, number of Fusion Stones and items, needed to create Mana Stones.

Easy use. Just type [/tc] in chat or click icon by AddonManager to show config frame.

Edit boxs - tiers and prices (xyz cost)

Yellow number at left from field is current set value. When you change value, you have to click ENTER, when cursor in field - this will change value and calculate results again.

Chat commands

  • [/tc] - Toggle main window.
  • [/tc-debug] - Print debug info.
  • [/tc-defaults] - Set default values and calculate results again.
  • [/tc-calc] - Calculate results again.
  • [/tc-info] - Show info about addon.

Addon languages

  • English
  • Polish - by Rycerzodie [ polski opis ]
  • German - by Noguai
  • Italian - by Retcha88

If you want translate addon, please go to Localization tab. Thank you!

Bugs, suggestions, etc.

If you found a bug, please follow instruction:

  • Type [/tc-debug] in chat frame.
  • Check bug-console (red icon near minimap) and errors.
  • Report a ticket (English or Polish), add infos from first and second list-point. Thank you!

If you have suggestion, just report a ticket. Thank you!


This addon was rebuilded by Rycerzodie, based on Noguai projects (for example: Simple Damage Log). Thanks Noguai!